- Gaming Life
- March 31, 2022
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Lost Ark Mokopoko Q&A
The game space is changing in many ways. Lost Ark has seen mammoth-sized interest. And the streamer industry continues to become more involved and organized by the day. To make sense of these happenings, there’s no one better to talk to than Mokopoko that has recently been playing a lot of Lost Ark.
How about a brief introduction about who you are and what you do?
- Hey everyone, my name is Adrian (Mokopoko in Lost Ark), I’m in my 50s from Romania. I own a software company and helping some other software business related companies. Until Covid I traveled all around the world (my second passion after gaming). Now I settle for a while and using my free time to play Lost Ark
What were the factors that motivated you to become a guild officer for Nordic Legends?
- I always jump on “we need help organize … people”. I looked back on my experience with Lost Ark in the past 2 years and I said to myself why not
What is your Lost Ark experience?
- I played Lost Ark from the first day on Korea for almost 5 months. Later I played for almost 1 year in Russian version tried most of the builds and having a lot of fun.
How is Lost Ark doing after been out for 2 months, and have you reached any goals that are noteworthy?
- With some notable differences from Kr/Ru versions the West version is ok with the goods and bads we all know already. I reach my first char to Tier 3 already and 4 chars following up in T3 shortly. Now I work on some goodies you get on rapport/islands etc
What goals does your guild have? What are the members looking to achieve together?
- We work all day to level up the guild for more members to join us and help the people to reach higher levels on their builds to be prepared for the launch for Guild vs Guild fights, and many more Guild related stuff they announce to come this year. I’m sure I say this on behalf of all members one of the main goal is to have memorable raid events together filed with a lot of laugh and funny events.
What would you say to players who might say Lost Ark is Pay To Win?
- Life is pay to win Being serious Lost ark is pay to progress not pay to win. If you chose to spend some real money, you’ll get to level up faster than the others and that’s it nothing more
Do you have anything to say to new players diving into Lost Ark?
- It’s a huge game with a lot of stuff to do/discover – easy to understand – one of the best MMORPG on the internet today and hard to get bored any time soon
What is your favorite class?
- Today deathblade, tomorrow Berserk, next month probably Destroyer. This is one of the many reasons I enjoy Lost Ark. Hard to get a favorite.
I noticed that the Guild started out with twenty people, are some of those members still in the Guild and how many are you today?
- The guild started with 20 people (restricted by the game requirements). We actually started with two Guilds both with 20 people. Now in the main guild we are 40 people and growing week after week. We still keep a lot of people in stand by to join us being restricted by the system Lost ark have on guild leveling.
Are you still in the game 1 year from now?
- – 99.9% yes (never say never )

Feel free to comment below what you think about the game if you are playing or maybe ask more question to MOKOPOKO.